TAWAU, Three organizations became recipients from the fund collected in the charity golf event held by district’s Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA) in a handling over of checks and goods held at the STIA office last Saturday.
Present in the handling over event was Chua Yeong Perng, the district branch chairman for STIA.
Chua, who is also the vice president of STIA Sabah presented a check each to representative from Society of the Deaf and Special Olympic Sabah worth RM30,444.25 and RM10,000 respectively while Sri Stella Visiting Board received goods worth RM20,000.
Also present during the presentation was Thomas Tiong Yong Yung, the organizing chairman for the charity golf event.
Chua said the generosity of the golfers had made the donation successful apart from a number of sponsors providing support as the event collected a total of RM60,444.25.
The event held in July was launched by Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah YB Datuk Peter Pang En Yin at Tawau Golf Club’s 18 hole course at Hot Spring.
CAPTION: Chua presenting a check to representative of the Special Olympic Sabah.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
:STIA hand over contribution to three organizations
isabah Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Political parties need to use alternative media
TAWAU, Political parties today need to make full use of the alternative media in the form of internet medias as an effort to continue to remain dynamic and relevant in channeling information to the general public especially among the young generation.
Assistant Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah and State Assemblyman for Tamparuli, YB Datuk Jahid Jahin said it is essential for such venture as the public need to know both side of a story and not merely relying on just one side on any issue.
Jahid who is also the president of the youth wing of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) in an interview said statistic shows that some 60 percent of young Malaysian tend to read news through alternative media such as blogs and not the current mainstream media such as newspaper, radio or television.
`We need to embrace the current technology and make use of it for the sake of the country’s wellbeing’, he added.
He congratulate the effort by the party’s of Sri Tanjong who had launched its’ own blog as an alternative in publicizing their activities as situation now demanded the usage of such blog as another mean of spreading information.
`It is a good effort and I welcome such move by the party’s Sri Tanjong’s bahagian chairman Fung Len Fui and his deputy Chong Hon Vun as messages need to be extended to the whole Malaysian at every level’, he stated.
Jahid reasoned that blogs can also be useful to obtain feedbacks from the young Malaysian surfing the net as it is the best channel for them to express their opinion on any matter.
`I am very happy with the involvement of young generation into ICT in what is now called cyber debate making our youth compatible with youth around the world’, he added.
Jahid said this during a dinner with PBS leaders of the district recently.
The PBS Sri Tanjong blog can be access at http://pbs-sri-tanjong-news.blogspot.com/ (English), http://pbs-sri-tanjong-berita.blogspot.com/ (bahasa Malaysia) and http://pbs-sri-tanjong.blogspot.com/ (Chinese).
Caption: Jahid (seated in white long sleeve shirt) with other PBS leaders of the district.
isabah Saturday, November 29, 2008
East Coast Sabah require food research lab
TAWAU, The authority is asked to seek way to solve the problem of vegetable samples taking some three months to be tested for safety purposes due to the absence of such testing lab nearby.
Councilor for the Tawau Municipal Council (TMC) Dato’ Yong Chi Fui made the request due to the long period of time needed to test the sample while the vegetable sampled would continue to be on sale to the general public.
`In three months, many would have purchased the sampled vegetable and unsafe vegetable would be well consumed before the result of the test is display so it is essential that testing period be shortened’, he stated at the full board meeting yesterday.
Yong added that there is only one such lab in the state located at kota Kinabalu and it does not bring any benefit for Malaysian living on the East Coast of Sabah.
`Sampled vegetable on sale pose a risk to consumers and I urge the necessary steps be taken by related authority to overcome the matter’, he added.
Caption: Yong.
Sri Tanjong community sport club praised for organizing sport event
TAWAU, The Sri Tanjong Community Sport Club (STCSC) received praise from Assistant Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah for continuing to organize event to promote a healthy lifestyle while enhancing co-operation between Malaysian.
Assistant Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah and State Assemblyman for Tamparuli, YB Datuk Jahid Jahin when launching the Unity cup here last Sunday held at the soccer field of Sabah Chinese High School said such an effort mirrored the effort by country in creating awareness for Malaysian to live a healthy lifestyle through involvement in sports.
`It is also an event to get young generation to use their free time for a useful purpose which will build up their physical and mental mind’, he stated in the competition.
Jahid at the same time also said that youth associations in the district need to come forward to the district’s Youth and Sport office to seek any kind of assistance from the officer-in-charge.
Earlier, STCSC chairman Fung Len Fui in his speech said the event would ensure that unity among the races in Malaysia will continue to be promoted while giving an avenue for them to enhance their soccer skills.
Caption: Jahid launching the event.
Monday, November 10, 2008
:Malaysian Chinese witnessed live firing exercise
TAWAU, Almost fifty members from various Chinese associations took part in witnessing at first hand the live firing of firearms by the 516th Regiment of the Territorial Army. The witnessing of the event came about from the invitation from the regiment’s commanding officer Brigadier Jeneral Datuk Liew Yun Fah as part of his effort to promote the territorial army to the Chinese Malaysian communities.
He said the new recruit took part in the live firing exercise held at the firing ranch of the Royal Malaysian Police ground at mile 10 Apas road which is part of the training syllabus required for new recruits to take part.
`I invite these Chinese associations to attend so that they can see what and how a life firing of weapons in particular the assault rifle usage is done to expose them’, Liew said at the event as part of his effort to encourage more Chinese to take part in joining the territorial army.
The training exercise was done on October 08.
isabah Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
: Territorial army does charity work
TAWAU, Youth are encourage to get involve in religious teaching as it is an essential thing to ensure that future generation could contribute affectively toward the development of the country.
This is important as it could help maintain the capability of the country to compete with the international communities and Malaysia with its’ people with diverse religious belief need to instill such education to the young generation.
Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah said this when he visited the Mahad Tafis Ashabisyadhid religious school at Bombalai recently citing that students of the school need to that they also need to continue to maintain a good relationship with Malaysian communities of other beliefs and not to be influenced by the racist issues now used by certain political groups.
`We in Malaysia does not have such a racial problem and we need to continue promoting such unity to ensure our country would continue to move forward and develop’, he stated.
Liew was at the school with his deputy commander Lieutenant Colonel Mohd. Samin Haji Mohd. Sih, officers and members of the 516th Regiment Territorial Army to give rice and money as part of the regiment’s effort in conducting community services.
At the same time, Liew who is the commander of the regiment also urges them to continue to play a role in helping the less fortunate and senior citizens.
The school has 84 students.
Among those present was the chairman of the JKKK Bombalai, Achok Sulong.
Caption: Liew witnessing the handling over of 20 bags of rice from Samin to Achok.
isabah Saturday, November 8, 2008
: No compromise when it comes to security: Syed Zahiruddin
TAWAU, The security of the country should not be compromised by any matter and the upgrading of the district KD Sri Tawau is no exception in any ways as the country need to be prepared despite peace time.
The recent conclusion of the OSTEX East 3/08 naval training has proven the capability of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) in protecting the coast of Sabah, Sarawak and Federal Territory of Labuan from any possible threat involving around 800 officers and personnel.
Speaking during a press conference held at KD Sri Tawau, First Admiral Syed Zahiruddin Putra bin Syed Osman, the Panglima for Wilayah Laut 2, said all equipment used during the training which include seven warships and one tow ship went without any breakdown or facing difficulties thus proving the ability of the force in executing their duties.
`As stated, we include a training scenario on the recent hijacking case which occurred at Somalia and this is enhancing our ability’, he stated.
He said the Wilayah Laut 2 now has some seventeen ships, two helicopters and a dozen combat boats apart from the various support equipment and for the first time next year, the force will also obtain two submarines to compliment the existing equipment.
He also said the base defend scenarios which include the scene on the Somalia’s incident is aim at preventing intrusion and sabotage efforts.
He also said that KD Sri Tawau will become the third largest naval base in the state after Sepanggar and Sandakan naval base after upgrade which will begin to take place next year and will be expected to be completed in two years time.
Caption: Syed Zahiruddin (right) during the press conference with KD Sri Tawau commanding officer Lieutenant commander Wan Alias bin Wan Mamat.
: Navy conduct medical health check at Pasir Putih Baru
TAWAU, The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) will close its last training exercise for the East Coast of Sabah under the theme `OSTEX East 3/08’ which is the largest and involved training to prevent similar incident taking place in Somalia where a ship hijacking took place.
The last training exercise for 2008 under this theme involves 7 warships and a single tug ship took on new training scenario which was the hijacking scenario to test the readiness of the naval force in the training which began on November 3.
First Admiral Syed Zahiruddin Putra bin Syed Osman who is the chief of the Wilayah Laut 2 stated the incident scenario which took place in Somali was taking into account as part of the effort to boost the capability of the force.
Syed Zahiruddin was in the district to close the training event on November 8 to be held at the ground of the district naval base KD Sri Tawau said the training would again show the readiness of the force in protecting the sea coast of Sabah and Sarawak with the available equipment.
At the same time, he also said the district naval base will be rebuild beginning next year at an undisclosed amount and is estimated to take two years for its’ completion.
Syed Zahiruddin added the newly completed buildings of the naval force is expected to compliment logistic and technical supports for the RMN forces in Sabah apart from providing training ground to the force’s reserve.
He is in the district to today to observe the Navy’s health check for villagers at Pasir Putih Baru village where the free service including providing free medicines catered for rural folks.
Caption: Syed Zahiruddin (standing in white naval uniform) looking at the service rendered.
Monday, October 27, 2008
: Police seek man over cheating cases
TAWAU: Two individuals fell for a trick after they were promised to have whatever money they gave will be doubled in yet another con job where a con man involved believed to have pocket in a sum of RM30 thousands from the two victims.
District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof in a press conference said that the duo made their respective police report on October 18, 2008, upon finding that their money indeed doubled in the form of hell’s money used in Chinese ritual.
He said the first victim, a Bugis lady aged 43 went to see the so called magic man in a hotel room on February 12, 2008 around 3.05pm and handed over RM25,000 and was asked to go outside the room until called upon by the suspect. `The suspect was later called in and was handed a school bag and was instructed to go home and not to open the bag until four days later or the magic will turn harmful’, he explained.
The victim followed the instruction and opened the bag four days later only to find the hell’s money in bundles. The second victim, a Bugis man aged 50 fell for the same scam when he visited the suspect on February 13, 2008 and again was asked to conduct the same course of action where he handed over RM5,000 thousand around 3.00pm.
He stated that there is possible other victims being con by the same suspect and urges them to report the matter to police where they can contact the commercial crime department by calling 089-75222.
The identity of the suspect was released to the press in the attempt to seek help from the general public in capturing him. Jaafar said that the suspect is known as Darick Mosipil @ Alex with identity card number 64126-12-5323 and believed him to be a Kadazan man.
isabah Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
: Assistant Minister open house
TAWAU, Despite leaving the fold of the Barisan Nasional (BN), Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) member of Parliament for the district Datuk Chua Soon Bui and entourage continue their visit to homes of BN leaders in the usual traditional manner.
Chua visited the open house event organized by the Assistant Minister of Finance Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan who is also the State Assemblyman for Apas where thousands of guests attended the open house held on the 4th October, 2008 at Banyan Drive. She also did not fail to visit the home of Datuk Hamisa Samad, the State Assemblywoman for Tanjung Batu, Datuk Syed Abbas Syed Ali, the State Assemblyman for Balung.
`Difference in political stand does not mean we can’t practice our tradition of visiting open houses as we are all Malaysian’, she stated.
Caption: Chua with other distinguish guests having a photo taken with host Tawfiq. Pic 2
isabah Thursday, October 16, 2008
: Speedy action led to recovery of missing two teenagers
TAWAU, A quick and determined effort by friends of the former Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah had resulted in the safe return of two underage youth in good health after they were found missing for the past three days and two nights.
The hunt began when the ex-Minister Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah and close friend Dato’ Yong Chi Fui took the initiative with close collaboration with police found the one boy aged 15 and a girl aged 12 at a secluded place apparently fleeing their homes.
`Liew’s effort had brought about the recovery of the two youth and they had been returned to their families safe and sound’, Yong said after the case came to an happy ending.
Liew was in the state capital when he received the call for help two days after the youth were found missing and had initiated a number of moves resulting in the search for the two youth.
Yong added that it was a speedy and concise moves by them led to the quick result. He also urges parents to play a more productive role in knowing their respective children and to prevent such a case from taking place again. `We don’t know yet why both the youth fled their homes but still parents need to be aware of their needs and prevent such thing from happening’, he explained later.
At the same time, Yong who took part in the search with another friend of Liew, Chen Fen Kyun and others seek out friends of the two youths to obtain their possible whereabout. He added that friends of the duo had given their fullest co-operation despite being called upon during early morning of the third day.
`We wish to apologize to them and thank them for their information leading to the recovery of the two children’, he added. Yong said this after they began their search to friends of the duo on the second evening until 4.00 am waking up their friends to obtain clues and moving on to seek the next information.
Yong and Chen continued their effort early in the morning on the next day after obtaining more information of the possible whereabout of the duo and they were finally found around 1.30pm.
Caption: Yong (right) and Chen with others at the house of a friend of the missing boy seeking information at 3.10am. pic 1
Monday, October 6, 2008
: Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah on a Raya visit
TAWAU: Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah YB Peter Pang En Yin paid a visit to the district which was once his home and visited a number of open houses.
Pang visited Assistant Minister of Finance for the state and Apas State Assemblyman, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, Datuk Syed Abbas Syed Ali, the State Assemblyman for Balung, Datuk Hamisa Samad, the State Assemblyman for Tanjung Batu and Merotai State Assemblyman YB Pang Nyuk Ming.
Earlier during his participation of a Raya open house held at the district sport complex, he said such celebration constantly mark yet another unique opportunity for Malaysian to come together and enhance unity.
isabah Monday, October 6, 2008
: PBS continue to promote unity: Fung
TAWAU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) will continue to promote unity among the various races in the country in particular Sabah.
Division chairman for PBS Sri Tanjung, Fung Len Fui who led the visiting group said PBS will continue to remain relevant for the sake of Sabahan despite the changing political scenario seen today.
He added that unity among the races in the country must continue to be promoted as it is part of the essence which built Malaysia into a well known country seen by the world. `Our party leader and us all will continue to remain strong for Sabahan’, he added during one of such visit.
Among the home visited during the Raya day celebration was the resident of Reilly Kho who is a member of the party.
: Hard core poor asked to seek government's help
TAWAU: Those living in the urban area in need of assistance should the relevant authorities in making their plight known and qualify them to obtain assistance from the various government programs initiated to help them.
Member of Parliament for Tawau, Datuk Chua Soon Bui said the government’s programs has many small scale programs set to assist unfortunate families having to face hard times.
`Those in need of help can register themselves at my office at Takada complex and they could obtain help if they are qualified’, she stated during the breaking of fast held at Ranggu village recently.
Chua added that small scale programs such as provision of seedlings and livestock to help unfortunate families to build up their economy apart from other kind of assistance.
She also hailed the effort by the officer tasked with handling the program, Surianah Salleh who is attached to the district municipal council for her zeal and determination in helping those in need.
`So far around 400 families received assistance in the form of payment to settle their home payment or children’s school fees and this assistance is for all Malaysian regardless of race in the district.
Touching on the breaking of fast event help by Muslim, Chua said that such event is an opportunity for government leaders to meet with community at grassroot level and receive input on the problems faced by them.
She said that government leaders including government departments’ chiefs could use such an event or other celebration practiced in the country such as Chinese New Year or Christmas to meet with communities practicing different religion to listen to their problem.
Chua also said the event was the first held at the village and it would be a yearly event for her as part of her effort to fulfill her pledge made during the election campaign.
She also said the co-existence between the various races in the country through practicing the need to upheld peace and respect each others’ belief and culture is essential for the country and its’ prosperity. `We have been practicing such unity since independent and let us keep this culture for the sake of our future generation’, Chua added.
: Regiment 516 Territorial Army open house
TAWAU: Members of the Territorial Army are told to continue their commitment in safekeeping the peace of the country with diligent despite being far from family members during festive season as their effort is lauded.
Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah, the commanding officer of the 516th Territorial Army said that their commitment to maintain peace through their work shows the seriousness of their attitude in this respect.
`Your sincerity and diligent in performing your duties could not be compared’, he stated this during the Regiment’s 516th Open house event held on the first day of Raya at the camp at North road.
In his opening speech, Liew also said that the their commitment had brought the respect of Malaysian to the regiment and this need to be continued regardless of place and time.
Liew added that trainers and those involved in training new volunteers for the regiment had resulted in some of the volunteers being drafted into the regular army establishment for postings and this is something which the regiment could be proud of.
`This regiment had achieved the stage and excellence as laid out by our top military leaders’, he added.
Also conducted during the event was the presentation of Raya cakes to members who could not be home for the holiday especially those from West Malaysia.
Friday, October 3, 2008
: Minister held breaking of fast with youth representatives
TAWAU: Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah YB Peter Pang En Yin hosted a breaking of fast at the hostel of the district sport complex yesterday.
In his opening speech, Pang said that the event a golden opportunity for his ministry to get to know better youth in the district as well as to ensure that programs initiated by the government could reach the targeted youth.
At the same time, he also urges youth to continue to maintain a high degree of discipline in their daily life so that they could be well prepared to become leaders of the country in the very near future.
Pang also handed out grand to two registered youth associations and gave clothing packages to 20 youth associations.
Among those present Datu Rosmadi bin Datu Sulai, the Deputy Permanent Secretary 1 of the Ministry, Jamil Jilap, officer of the Ministry in Tawau and other guests.
isabah Friday, October 3, 2008
:Raja Muda Perlis meet troops at Berhala island
SANDAKAN: Soldiers involved in the Pasir operation at Berhala island play host to the Raja Muda Perlis Syed Faizuddin Putra Ibni Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Jamalullail who is also the commanding officer of the 504th of the Territorial Army based in Perlis on the evening of September 15 in a breaking of fast event held there.
Syed Faizuddin in the visit was accompanied by Panglima Angkatan Bersama Dato’ Allatif Bin Mohd. Noor, Brigadier General Sheikh Muksin Bin Sheikh Hassan, the commanding officer of the Joint Military Task Force (JMTF) 2, Lt. Col. Halim Bin Haji Yusof, the commanding officer of the 5th Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment and Commanding officer of the 516th Territorial Army, Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah where the visiting group also consisted of a number of government officers and officers from the 504th Regiment of the Territorial Army from Perlis.
Among the program conducted was the presentation of Raya cakes to officers and personnel station at the camp.
Syed Faizuddin in his speech during the breaking of fast ceremony told those station there that they need to continue to reach out to the community around their area as people there would always sees the men as soldiers and there is a need to keep a close rapport with the people to enhance their image in the effort to keep peace daily.
At the same time, he also praised the Joint Military Task Force or better known as Angkatan Tugas Bersama (ATB 2) for arranging his visit with strong efficiency and prove their worth.
: Religious teaching essential for children
TAWAU: Religious education is essential to every child as it could further enhance their character and influence their future for the better.
Member of Parliament for Tawau YB Datuk Chua Soon Bui said parents must therefore continue to encourage their children to deepen their religion understanding not only for their children’s sake but also for the well being of the country.
She said this during a visit to the Perpaduan village’s Darul Hidayah KAFA school recently and met with parents, teachers and some 300 children attending the religious school.
Chua stated parent needs to instill such zeal among their children as teachers could only educate them for a short period of time daily but these children will spend most of the time with their parents. She was at the school to help improve the facilities of the school such as the repair of fences, blackboard, mattresses, doors and others and at the same time hand out Kurma fruits to parents and children.
Chua together with community leaders of the village also visited the Surau and provided extended shelter for devotees of the fasting month.
: Youth should get involve in countering negative view in blogs, Jahid
TAWAU: The Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) will continue to encourage youth to be internet capable generation as they could play the role of `balancing’ the negative information contained in many reading materials such as those found in blogs.
The Tamparuli State Assemblyman YB Jahid Jahin said that provocative or information that does not make any sense news presented through these blogs could easily lead youth away from the truth and it is therefore essential youth with actual knowledge can counter thus making any debates within such blogs to be balanced.
`Wrong information presented will almost ensure a wrong decision on the part of readers in this respect’, he stated in a press conference held at a hotel during the breaking of fast celebration held last Tuesday. He said the issues now presented tend to shows more on the negative value and PBS youth are encourage to go in and participate in debates to counter the excessive negative values within information or news seen through the internet.
Jahid also said that youth today tend to obtain their news not from the usual media such as newspaper, radio or even television but are more keen on getting information through the internet. `This is why we need to teach out youth on the value of obtaining the right information from the right sources’, he explained..
At the same time, he also said that the present scheme by the government to loan money to youth for them to venture into businesses has been received in a `lukewarm’ manner but felt that youth with intention to venture in business obtain their application through the Ministry of Youth and Sport. He added that qualified youth should take the opportunity to improve their living by doing business and government is willing to help. `The loan will be charged with minimal interest.
Jahid who was in the district to attend the party’s four branches general meeting held in Semporna earlier in his speech said the party’s leadership under Datuk Seri Panglima Pairin Kitingan appreciated the party members of the party for their continuing support.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
:Hindus devotees conduct Merdeka prayer
TAWAU: The district’s Thiru Murugan temple hosted their annual Merdeka Program where over 100 Hindu devotees from Lahad Datu, Kunak, Semporna and Tawau attended the prayer session.
President of the Thiru Murugan temple, K. Manogran said prayer was also held for Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, Sabah Chief Minister, for his effort in approving the temple’s land. He said prayers were also offered for the continued success of the nation with greater solidarity, accountability efficiency and a dynamic interaction among the diverse communities to safeguard unity.
`We are praying for the safeguard of unity which had prevailed in the country for the past 51 years’, he stated.
The annual event was sponsored by Victor Rajasekran, chairman for the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) of Tawau.
isabah Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
:Penalty for rear seated passengers for not using safety belt upon availability: Ong
TAWAU: The Ministry of Transport Malaysia will impose penalties on rear seat passengers who fail to put on their seat belt for cars or utility vehicles having such facility by January 1, 2009 on vehicles produced from 1995 onward in the interest of safety.
Datuk Ong Tee Keat, the Minister of Transport Malaysia said the government had also requested Proton, Perodua, Naza and Honda manufactures to install vehicles from their factories free of charge to vehicles already on the road to lessen the burden of drivers.
`This is only for vehicles that comes out from their assembly line from 1995 and onward’, he stated in a press conference today at the district’s Road Transport Department (RTD) office today.
Ong added that vehicles without rear seat belts can be excluded from penalty but they would be given until 2011 to have their vehicle install the safety equipment. He also urges car owners who purchased vehicles from the four manufactures to have their vehicles upgraded for free at their respective manufactures and not simply to engage outsiders to do the work.
Ong was in the district on a working visit to see for himself the running operation of the RTD and met with representatives from the Tawau School Bus Association (TSBA), Tawau Taxi Association (TTA) and Tawau Lorry Drivers’ Association (TLDA) where numerous matters were brought to his attention. He said that he was shocked to hear some of the complains such as `Pirate school bus’ reportedly plying to ferry pupils and students at schools in the district and the existence of irregular fees charged by PUSPAKOM over vehicle check.
Other matters raise for his attention was the high fee charged for taking driving lessons.
Ong in the meeting with the three associations however pledge to take the appropriate action over the cases reported despite some of the matter were not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry.
`On the matter of pirate school bus, I hope that the association will give their fullest co-operation when we pursue the case to ensure that the appropriate action can be taken’, he added.
On the matter of long queue at RTD counters, he said that his Ministry is currently encouraging the public to use their on-line method to eradicate the needs of many having to queue and to speed up any process needed through the internet. He was also briefed by the Sabah RTD director Wan Idrus that runners or agencies providing services to the general public are given a special lane in the state to prevent their applications hampering the public waiting in line.
isabah Monday, September 8, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
:Walk for health program to become an annual program
TAWAU: Health is always a major concern not only to the young generation but also to the senior citizens as it would ensure that Malaysian regardless of age can enjoy life in an active and productive manner for the benefit of the country.
Representative for the Board of Visitors for the Hot Spring Senior Citizens’ Home, Haji Mohd. Ekbal Hj. Khalid said this while launching the `Ambang Merdeka, Walk for Health’ organized by Nestle Group, the Board and the Community Nurses’ College of Tawau this yesterday morning where among those attending the event was Liew Fook Kiaw, another committee member of the visiting board.
Ekbal said the event which will be held annually will continue to promote health aspect among the community.
He also flag off participants which include students of the college and senior citizens for the one kilometer walk.
Also held during the event is the presentation of goodies to senior citizens from the board led by Ekbal dan Nestle Group.
isabah Tuesday, September 2, 2008
:516th Regiment program to boost more Chinese intake
TAWAU: The 516th Regiment of the Territorial Army welcomed guests numbering nearing a hundred from Malaysian Chinese in a historical event to promote the regiment last Saturday.
Among the associations attending the program were from the Sabah Chinese Associations’ Union and students from Sabah Chinese High School apart from a large number of individuals. Commanding officer of the regiment, Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah together with his deputy commander Lt. Colonel Mohd. Samin Haji Mohd. Sih welcomes the guests. The program presented exhibition, show and briefing to the visitors.
The program to promote the role of Territorial Army and encourage more Malaysian Chinese to join the establishment and it is believe to be the first ever program conducted by such regiment in the country for such purpose.
Liew said the aim of the program is clear, to encourage more Chinese Malaysian to join the fold. Among the show presented was from the regiment’s Unarmed Fighting.
Friday, August 29, 2008
:PBS Tawau concluded blood drive with success
TAWAU: The recent concluded blood drive campaign organized by the district’s Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Pemuda section had resulted in the collection of 69 pints of blood for the district’s blood bank held on August 28 and the collection had shown the success of the campaign.
Organizing chairman Kelvin Chia said that the response was very encouraging because the campaign was done during weekday and this goes to shows the commitment by Malaysian in helping those in need of help.
`We as the organizer wishes to extend our thanks to all those who help in this campaign in our effort to help those in need’, Chia said after the campaign at noon.
Among those attending the campaign were Fong Len Fui, the PKR and Bahagian chief for PBS N. 57 Sri Tanjung and Chong Hon Kong @ Hon Vun, the Chinese community leader of Sri Tanjung and the vice chairman of PBS Tawau.
Pic : Some of the organizing committee with some of the donors at the blood bank.
isabah Friday, August 29, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
:Briefing on Vanilla planting and honey bee rearing
TAWAU: A briefing on Vanilla planting and Honey Bee rearing was conducted organized by the Sin On Bestari Komuniti with collaboration from Unit Pemimpin Kemajuan Rakyat Sri Tanjong on August 16 launched by Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, Assistant Minister of Finance of Sabah and State Assemblyman for N.56 Apas.
The one day briefing was attended by around 200 participants and guests where two officer from the Desa Development Corporation gave talks on both projects. The aim of the briefing is to channel information to the general community on the benefit of conducting these projects. Both projects are supported by the government where subsidy will be given to those interested and qualified to attempt it. Both commodities now obtain high price in the world markets.
Those interested can contact Hong Len Fui at 013-8863636
isabah Saturday, August 16, 2008
:Coal power plant continue to receive objection
SANDAKAN: Over 100 members from the St. Mary Church penned their signature recently in protest over the plan to set up a coal power plant in the district. SEPA chairman Wong Tack and Tawau SEPA chairman Gary Yap were present to give talks on the harmful effect of coal power plant to human health and harmful to the environment.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
:DPM visit Danawan island
DANAWAN ISLAND: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib tun Abdul Razak visited a number of islands and at Danawan island he got the chance to meet with members of the community there last Monday. Accompanied by Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman, Armed Force Chief General Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan and Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency Director General Admiral Datuk Amdan Kurish and Commanding Officer of the 516th Regiment of the Territorial Army for East Coast of Sabah Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah, Najib also handed over RM5,000 to the community living at the island for their activities uses. The whole event was organized by Joint Military Panglima Lieutenant General Dato’ Allatif Mohd. Noor.
isabah Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
:Charity dinner launched
TAWAU: The recent concluded Corporate Show Charity Dinner 2008 saw a number of welfare institutions including the fund for earthquake victims at Szechuan, China, receiving their respective mock check.
The dinner saw the presentation of check to RM20,00 to the N:56 Apas welfare fund presented by the wife of Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, Datin Seri Panglima Hajah Faridah Tussin. Also receiving their check worth RM5,000 each were the fund for the earthquake victim at Szechuan, Puspanita and Children’s Protection Centre.
The event saw the present of Assistant Minister of Finance for Sabah Datuk Tawfiq DSP Haji Abu Bakar Titingan, Haji Salsidu Ibrahim, the president of the Tawau Municipal Council (TMC), Datuk Baharom DSP Haji Abu Bakar Titingan, the advisor for the Yayasan Ar-Rahmah, Datuk Hajjah Dayang Mahani Tun Haji Ahmad Rafae, Executive Chairman I Haji Abdul Rashad Haji Adam and chairman II Najib Tay.
The dinner was attended by over 750 guests where they were entertained to a variety of shows and songs.
isabah Saturday, August 9, 2008
:Pang contribute toward sales
TAWAU: Merotai State Assemblyman YB Pang Nyuk Ming recently made contribution to assist in the garnering of fund for the running of certain activities conducted by the visiting board of the district’s Hot Spring Old Folk’s Home.
Pang contributed RM4,000 in cash and goods for the effort where the fund collected will be used by the board for the benefit of senior citizens staying there.
Receiving on behalf of the board was Liew Fook Kiaw who is the treasurer of the board.
The sales of goods continue at the Home’s dining hall.
:Tawau record highest inmates parole in Sabah
TAWAU: The release of five more inmates from the district’s prison on parole today since the approval of such procedure in December 2007 making the district having the highest number of inmates being paroled in the state with nine.
District’s prison director Mat Johir Hashim said that the previous release was on four inmates in July 28. Johir said this at his office together with Noraini Abd. Karim, the district parole officer after witnessing the handling over of the five men to the parole office prior to release to their respective districts in Tawau, Lahad Datu and Semporna.
`The parole system helps reduce the number of inmates in prison and providing an opportunity for those paroled to go back to their community but under supervision’, he stated.
Johir also said those liable to be paroled were those facing prison term of over a year except for those facing death sentence, life imprisonment, jail order by the country’s Agong, King or Head of State and those jailed for sexual offences. He add that success of the parole system require among others the need of the community and family members to accept inmates being paroled.
Noraini in answering a question stated that there had not been a problem faced so far with all those paroled.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
:Support government's effort in boosting education: Liew
TAWAU: Parents are told to continue their effort to help the school their children are studying as such support will also help the government’s effort in enhancing the development of education in the country.
He said that government through its Minister of Education Dato’ Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein is giving a concrete support and implementation through various ways in the education of their children but parents must also play a part in complimenting the effort.
`Without the strong support by parents, government’s effort will not go smoothly because we as parents are taking risk in the future of our children by not supporting the effort’, Liew who is the foster father of the school stated in the event held recently attended by some 600 parents held at the school’s hall.
At the same time he also urges parents on the need to give their support through their respective PTA association so that they can help their schools more effectively. `At the same time, every association is strong when they have a strong fund and I urge parents to fortify their association’s fund by giving generously.
Liew’s request on solidifying the fund had resulted in the collection of over RM7,500 collected from parents, teachers and Liew himself.
isabah Wednesday, August 6, 2008
:Shell bring cheers to senior citizens
TAWAU: Some 30 individuals comprising of members of the Shell Timur Sdn. Bhd., family members and contractors took part in a community service project held at the district’s senior citizen’s Home at Hot Spring last Sunday.
Leading the team was district terminal manager Jamir Mahmood with participation including Eddie Abdullah, the Advisor, Social Investment Sabah and Labuan for Shell Malaysia Corporate Affairs and Dr. Edmond Fernandez, health and medical advisor known as MUHA.
Jamir said the activity is part of their community service to bring a difference to those who are in need. The one day event also saw the team conducting a health talk by Dr. Edmond where topic regarding on how senior citizens need to face old age symptoms and beautification work at the Home apart from handling out of hampers to the 37 residents residing there.
The officer of the home, Tawfiq Leong said Shell apart from conducting such activity will also initiate the opening of a Shell corner at the home’s hall where residents there can obtain reading materials.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
:Public asked to support sales
TAWAU: Members of the public are asked to support a sales made at the Hot Spring Old Folk’s Home (HSOFH) currently held as all the money collected will be handed over to the home.
Three generous contributors handed over merchandize for sales to the public and the sales is open daily from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm.
The goods contributed by Datuk Liew Yun Fah, Dato’ Yong Ki Fui and Madam Yen She Tan are now displayed at the Home’s dining hall. According to the officer-in-charge of the home Tawfiq Leong, the money collected will be used to provide the daily needs of the senior citizens residing there apart from being used to fund for their activities.
Among the generous contributor were also Chai Charng Sheng representing Ju Bao Tang temple in handling over a check worth RM500 for the cause and representative from the Pengangkutan Nasip Jaya.
isabah Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
:ISM continue to expand courses for students
TAWAU: The district’s Institute of Science and Management will continue to promote more courses for its students which will include business, accounting and law diplomas in the effort to help students getting ready to pursue their studies at higher level.
Lawrence Low Cheng Tek, the chief executive officer and Dean said that such additional courses will be made available next year as the institute continue to expand in the interest of the young generation in their education sector.
`Thanks to the generous contribution made through the various Chinese associations, our institute had garnered around RM900 thousand in March this year and this fund will be made use fully for such expansion’, he stated during the handling over of certificate for successful A level students held at the Sabah Chinese High School’s Hall recently.
Some 70 students received their certificate at the ceremony where among those attending the event was Datuk Yap Yiw Sin who is the chairman of the district’s Chinese Chamber Commerce and YB Jimmy Wong Sze Phin.
`The success of the institute was also made possible from the strong participation from the Chinese communities, board directors of the institute and students’, Henry Lim who is one of the director of the institute stated.
isabah Monday, August 4, 2008
:Club celebrated 19th birthday and 4th karaoke singing competition
TAWAU: The Tawau Happy Dancing Club recently concluded it’s 4th Karaoke Singing competition held at the Sabah Chinese High School hall where over 20 participants took part in the competition. Also celebrated during the event was the 19th years existence of the club.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
:Anti Coal Power committee set up
SANDAKAN: Sandakan Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) Stephen Wong Tien Fatt heads the newly set up Sandakan Anti Coal Power Action Committee which comprises mostly environmentalists and representatives of local guilds and Non Governmental Organizations.
“I will like to point here again that the reasons we are objecting the implementation of the coal power plant in Sandakan due to environmental and public health concerns,” Wong Tien Fatt said after announcing the formation of the committee on Wednesday.
Wong Tien Fatt maintained the stand taken by the committee was nothing personal and neither were they against development for Sandakan nor government policies.
The others in the committee are Eleanor Wong, Abang Mohd. Jorgy Haji Juana, G. Gengadharan Pillai (deputy chairmen), Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hassan Alban Haji Sandukong, Cham Yock Chua, Charles Chow Kok Cheng (secretaries), Dusun Chong (treasurer), Wong Vui Soon (media director), Ku Ah Kong (coordinator) and 20 committee members. The three technical advisors are Wong Tack, Gary Yap and Ho Yu Choi.
isabah Wednesday, July 30, 2008
: Temple association visit centre and give cheers to children
LAHAD DATU: A visit by the Chi Hong Guan Yin Temple Association was made to the district’s Sabah Deaf and Dumb Centre here led by the chairman of the association Kong Enn Leong.
Kong said that the trip was made in conjunction with the birthday of Goddess Guan Yin and they made contribution to the centre by giving a wheelchair as well as distributing Ang Pow to children at the centre.
He said that it is their hope that the visit will enhance friendship between them and the centre. The group was welcomed by among others the officer-in-charge of the centre Bebaku@Nekie Lee.
Monday, July 28, 2008
:Tawau MCA saw new faces leading
TAWAU: The district’s Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) saw a landslide in the recent election result for the district when the team led by Goh Chit Chuan won all the seat contested including the Wanita and Pemuda top posts.
The election held between July 16 and 17 saw Goh won and is now the chairman of the district’s MCA with Yap Kheng Fah winning the deputy chairman seat as well as the Pemuda chairmanship and Kong Lee Kyun won the Wanita chairperson seat.
In the election, the team took hold and won all seats contested as the past leaders of MCA in the district bowed down to the wishes of their members.
isabah Monday, July 28, 2008
:Au visit special class at SK Muhibbah
SANDAKAN: Special class education at SK Muhibbah received special attention from Elopura State Assemblyman YB Au Kam Wah and wife after they paid a visit to the school with the intention to listen to suggestions and problems faced by such classes.
Au at the same time also managed to meet up with teachers of the special class and the school’s senior assistant Marlina Bte. Azadin over the program.
He at the same time supported a program which will be held by the school to visit the state capital in an education trip to visit SK Kibabaig and SK Kolombong on August 5 to learn more about the special class curriculum.
`I believe that such a education trip will expose those who will be visiting as it would give pupils of the special class to interact with the general public’, he said this after the visit. Au added that special class is essential as it gives an opportunity to special children to gain knowledge and made them more independence in their adulthood.
:Sandakan Toastmasters new office bearers
NEW OFFICE BEARERS …. The Sandakan Mandarin Toastmasters Club officer bearers and president Poon Kee Yang (5th left) with other special guests after their installation on Saturday night. The guest of honour for the function was Division K Governor Anne Cheng Hoo Gan and the VIP attendees included Elopura Assemblyman Au Kam Wah, past presidents and Lee Tink Loi , the political secretary to Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan. The highlight of the evening was the cutting of the Sandakan Mandarin Toastmasters Club 10th anniversary cake.
:Khoo reelected as Sandakan MCA division chairman
SANDAKAN: Assistant Minister to Chief Minister cum Sabah MCA chairman Datuk Edward Khoo officiated the MCA Sandakan, Batu Sapi and Libaran divisions joint annual general meeting at a restaurant in Bandar Pasaraya, Mile 4 Jalan Utara, Sandakan on Sunday. The meeting was attended by the respective division chairmen, Youth chiefs and Wanita chiefs and other committees. Datuk Khoo was reelected as the Sandakan division chairman unopposed. Kinabatangan chairman Beh See Hoong was among the attendees along with new Libaran division chairman Chin Kim Hiung, Sandakan deputy division chairman Kok Tsui Yee and Sandakan Youth chief Alex Chang. Elsewhere former Sandakan Youth chief Chew Kok Woh was elected as the new Beluran division chairman while lawyer William Liaw remains as Batu Sapi chairman.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
:SMK Agaseh to have award day
LAHAD DATU: The Excellence Award Presentation of SMK Agaseh is expected to be held on August 7 for the 19th times and the Sabah’s State Education Department Academic Management Sector chief Hajjah Maimunah Haji Suhaibul is expected to grace the event.
A spokerperson for the school said that the award is an event to honor students and teachers who had shown excellence performance in the field of Curriculum and Co-Curriculum.
`It is also as a motivation to all in the school to compete and create excellence for themselves and their school and also to enhance friendship among students, parents and teachers’, he stated.
The motto for the event is `Warga Cemerlang, Agaseh Terbilang’.
isabah Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
:Group conduct signature campaign against propsed coal power plant
SANDAKAN: A number of associations and individuals join force in organizing a signature campaign against the setting up of a coal power plant project in the district which they claim the project as jeopardizing environment and harming the health of people in the district.
The campaign was launched at the office of the Sandakan Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) yesterday where the organizer also make urges to the government to consider using another method to generate power for the district.
Present during the launching were SCCC general secretary Wong Tien Fatt, SCCC chairman Chiang Kwok Kheng and members of the association. Among those who supported and attended the launching were also former state assembly speaker and environmentalist Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hassan Alban Sandukong, chairman for the Bumiputera Chamber of Commerce Sandakan Abang Mohd. Jorgy Haji Juana. Jorgy is also the district Entrepreneurial Development Council deputy chairman.
They were also joined by Environmental Action Committee chairperson Eleanor Wong, Sandakan Indian Association chairman G. Gengadharan Pillai and representative from the Sandakan Pensioners Association and a number of concern members of the public.
The launching of the signature campaign came about when Wong and Sabah Environmental Protection Association chairman Wong Tack walk out from a forum on the proposed coal power plant organized by the Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd.two days ago with members of the SCCC, DAP leaders as well as some members from Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) joining the walk out.
isabah Friday, July 25, 2008
:Keeping stolen items is wrong: Ramli
TAWAU: Members of the public are told to report to the district police should they had suspiciously purchased stolen items as it would be an offence for them not to do so.
Acting district police chief Supt. Haji Ramli Ali Mat said they had successfully arrested a number of individuals believed to be involved in house breaking cases in the district in the past two years and they are now investigating all the house breaking cases recorded.
`Public who purchased suspicious items need to report to us because if we find such items in their possession, they are liable to be charged under Section 411 of the Penal Code which carries a jail term of no less than six months and fine’, he explained.
Ramli also said that they are conducting investigation based on the information obtained from those detained and believe they can solve a number of house breaking cases soon.
In another development, Ramli also urges employers not to take risk should they uses foreign workers without proper documents as the authority is at the brink of organizing a major operation against illegal immigrant in the district. He said that the operation will begin any time soon as the needed manpower from `out of the district are now here’ fro such purpose. At the same time, he also said that illegal immigrant staying in the district to return home peacefully before the operation began as they now could go home with their possessions. `We are not inhuman but we will detain those suspected illegal immigrant during the coming operation without remorse and I have extended our warning’, he stressed.
The advice asking illegal immigrant to return home voluntarily is appropriate as a number of illegal immigrants caught during the last Ops. Nyah II in March 2002 blamed the authorities involved for having a `cold heart’ when executing their duties.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
:Marine police confiscate 340 round logs

It’s chief DSP Husaini Zainal Abidin said that the scow was towed by a tug boat and both were held at the seafront of Sungai Pasir Putih located some 1.5 nautical mile from shore around 3.35 pm. He said that patrolboat PGR 31 made the arrest and the captain of the tug boat aged 46 was detained in the process.
`The captain failed to produce form B, removal pass and log list upon request and this case is now under Forest Enactment Section 30(1). All the logs do not have the confirmation stamps issued by the Forestry Department at both ends.
He also said that the case was handed over to the Forestry department this morning represented by Haji Sakaran Abdul Lajak, the senior ranjer of the department. Jaafar also said that the arrest operation was led by chief inspector Safri Anuar Jamin with four personnel from the Marine.
isabah Thursday, July 24, 2008
:Suspect held after brief car chase
TAWAU: A fast car chase between a suspect and mobile police vehicle (MPV) ended in the arrest of a suspect and the whole event was witnessed by the district police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd Yussof and his senior officers. The whole chase was only a show as they (police drivers and personnel) conduct daring stunts as a show as part of the program during the handling of 11 police vehicles ceremony this morning to the four departments in the force. No one was injured in the stunt but the prowess shown by police drivers are praised.
:More car for quicker police responce time
TAWAU: District police today received a total of 11 Proton Waja in the effort to boost quicker reaction time in reaching crime scenes. District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said that the vehicles are given to the Crime Investigation Department (4), Traffic (3), Narcotic (2) and Commercial Crime department (2) and will be used by Investigation officer and assistant investigation officer.
:Attack suspect surrendered to police
TAWAU: The suspect sought by police yesterday turn up at the district’s police headquarter last night around 6.30 pm with his father and gave himself up while his wife which he attacked sustained a neck injury which require 25 stitches.
District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said the case is being investigated under Section 326 of the Penal Code. The suspect known as Shahrizan Abdul Raja injured his wife in his car at North road.
In another development, Jaafar said that they had detained a couple after a packet of syabu was found inside the Kancil they were traveling along mile 4, Apas road on the evening of July 23.
He said the held the car around 10.20pm but not before the suspect lady managed to throw a package away in which the package was not recovered. `Our personnel saw the lady sitting on the passenger seat next to the driver throw something away when they were held. He added that the case is being investigated under Section 12(2) Dangerous Drug Act. The couple were a 25 year old Bajau man and a 22 year old Suluk lady. Jaafar also said that urine test done on them shows the result of positive on both of them. He said that the duo is now being investigated under Section 15(1)(a) of the same Act.
In another case, a 57 year old businessman lodged a report over the smearing of red paints at the front of his shop located in the vicinity of the district’s community centre.
Jaafar said the man went to the shop at 5.30am on July 23 and saw the red paints staining the front locked shop and the pavement. As the act shows the kind of action taken by loan shark, Jaafar said that they will began investigation on the matter framed under Section 427 of the Penal Code when they obtain the Order To Investigate (OTI) issued by the deputy Public Prosecutor.
He said that the owner denied owning any money to loan shark but admitted that his younger brother had done so and the shop belongs to him. `The complainant said that his brother handed him the ownership of the shop about three months ago and his yhounger brother had left Sabah’, he added.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
:Police seeking public help in catching a suspect
TAWAU: District police is seeking the co-operation from members of the public in searching for a 27 year old suspect who apparently slashed his wife after a heated argument last night.
District Police Chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said that the suspect, Shahrizan Abdul Raja was found missing after he slashed his wife who is an enforcement officer for the district’s Anti Corruption Agency (ACA) yesterday night in the suspect’s car at North road.
The victim aged 25 after was slashed on the neck managed to jump from the vehicle while her husband who work as a part time as a plan designer fled the scene. The victim later hailed a passing vehicle driven by a General Operation Force (GOF) personnel around 8.15pm where she was sent to the district’s hospital and later to lodge the report.
Jaafar said that police managed to trace the vehicle at mile 3 Apas with a flat tire but the suspect could not be traced. He added that they also found a lady’s panty inside the vehicle and believed that the husband might have tried to have sex with her wife. Jaafar also said that the victim is now in a stable condition.
He also said that the couple had stayed apart pending divorce procedure for the past three months.
`We believed that the suspect is mentally unstable and there is an urgency to detain him as soon as possible’, Jaafar said. He urges the public with information on the suspect to go to the nearest police station or contact officer-in-charge of the case Inspector Azmani Abdullah at 017-687-3015.
isabah Wednesday, July 23, 2008
:Increase on TA members show commitment by Sabahan on security: Liew
TAWAU: New recruits in the Territorial Army (TA) has shown an increase in number due to the enthusiasm shown by local Sabahan to join the fold especially in the East Coast of the state and this has also shown the commitment by the locals in helping in the security of the state.
The participation by such members however require more commitment from them as they need to know their obligation in wearing the military uniform and the role they play in ensuring the safety of the state.
Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah in his address to 139 new recruits parade held at the 7th Malay Regiment Army parade ground recently stressed that they should be committed in acquiring skills needed thus they could compliment the existing regular force from any possible conflict which might take place in the future.
`Let me stress that it is not easy to train a civilian into a trained soldier but your commitment in the one month training has made the job easier’, Liew who is also the commanding officer of the 516th Regiment of the East Coast Territorial Army stated to the new recruit comprising of citizens from the district, Lahad Datu and Sandakan.
Liew added that to be a soldier require them to be mentally ready as a soldier, to have vast knowledge on military knowledge, a strong discipline attitude and maintaining a good image. He said that the basic training which only lasted one month but members should at every moment of the training to learn what they can in the art of military tactics and know how.
Also present during the ceremony were Lieutenant Colonel Ajis Sharif, the commanding officer of the 7th Malay Regiment and Major (K) Haji Salsidu Ibrahim.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
:Ops. Nyah II nabbed 195
LAHAD DATU: Operation against illegal immigrant themed Ops. Nyah II Bersepadu Siri 12/2008 held at the vicinity of Air village and the surrounding township since morning today had resulted in the arrest of 195 foreigners after they were found not to have any identification document while others were held due to doubtful identification document.
The operation which began at 5 am until noon today was participated by 98 officers, men and women from the district police force, Federal Special Task Force (FSTF) Sabah and Labuan, Chief Minister’s Department, National Registration Department and RELA screened some 1,000 foreigners in the process from both places.
District police chief Superintendent Kamis Daming said that the operation was led by Chief Inspector Ahmad Jawila, the district’s chief for Public Order and chief Traffic together with ASP Ahmad Hamdi Jamaludin from FSTF.
`We held a total of 107 men and 88 women in the operation and no untoward incidence faced by officers and personnel tasked in the operation in the seven hours stint’, he said when met at the Multi Purpose Hall of the 17th General Operation Force (GOF) base here.
He also urges members of the public to assist police by informing them on the presence of suspected illegal immigrant in their areas as their co-operation is essential in making such operation a success.
isabah Tuesday, July 22, 2008