SANDAKAN: Sandakan Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) Stephen Wong Tien Fatt heads the newly set up Sandakan Anti Coal Power Action Committee which comprises mostly environmentalists and representatives of local guilds and Non Governmental Organizations.
“I will like to point here again that the reasons we are objecting the implementation of the coal power plant in Sandakan due to environmental and public health concerns,” Wong Tien Fatt said after announcing the formation of the committee on Wednesday.
Wong Tien Fatt maintained the stand taken by the committee was nothing personal and neither were they against development for Sandakan nor government policies.
The others in the committee are Eleanor Wong, Abang Mohd. Jorgy Haji Juana, G. Gengadharan Pillai (deputy chairmen), Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hassan Alban Haji Sandukong, Cham Yock Chua, Charles Chow Kok Cheng (secretaries), Dusun Chong (treasurer), Wong Vui Soon (media director), Ku Ah Kong (coordinator) and 20 committee members. The three technical advisors are Wong Tack, Gary Yap and Ho Yu Choi.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
:Anti Coal Power committee set up
isabah Wednesday, July 30, 2008
: Temple association visit centre and give cheers to children
LAHAD DATU: A visit by the Chi Hong Guan Yin Temple Association was made to the district’s Sabah Deaf and Dumb Centre here led by the chairman of the association Kong Enn Leong.
Kong said that the trip was made in conjunction with the birthday of Goddess Guan Yin and they made contribution to the centre by giving a wheelchair as well as distributing Ang Pow to children at the centre.
He said that it is their hope that the visit will enhance friendship between them and the centre. The group was welcomed by among others the officer-in-charge of the centre Bebaku@Nekie Lee.
Monday, July 28, 2008
:Tawau MCA saw new faces leading
TAWAU: The district’s Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) saw a landslide in the recent election result for the district when the team led by Goh Chit Chuan won all the seat contested including the Wanita and Pemuda top posts.
The election held between July 16 and 17 saw Goh won and is now the chairman of the district’s MCA with Yap Kheng Fah winning the deputy chairman seat as well as the Pemuda chairmanship and Kong Lee Kyun won the Wanita chairperson seat.
In the election, the team took hold and won all seats contested as the past leaders of MCA in the district bowed down to the wishes of their members.
isabah Monday, July 28, 2008
:Au visit special class at SK Muhibbah
SANDAKAN: Special class education at SK Muhibbah received special attention from Elopura State Assemblyman YB Au Kam Wah and wife after they paid a visit to the school with the intention to listen to suggestions and problems faced by such classes.
Au at the same time also managed to meet up with teachers of the special class and the school’s senior assistant Marlina Bte. Azadin over the program.
He at the same time supported a program which will be held by the school to visit the state capital in an education trip to visit SK Kibabaig and SK Kolombong on August 5 to learn more about the special class curriculum.
`I believe that such a education trip will expose those who will be visiting as it would give pupils of the special class to interact with the general public’, he said this after the visit. Au added that special class is essential as it gives an opportunity to special children to gain knowledge and made them more independence in their adulthood.
:Sandakan Toastmasters new office bearers
NEW OFFICE BEARERS …. The Sandakan Mandarin Toastmasters Club officer bearers and president Poon Kee Yang (5th left) with other special guests after their installation on Saturday night. The guest of honour for the function was Division K Governor Anne Cheng Hoo Gan and the VIP attendees included Elopura Assemblyman Au Kam Wah, past presidents and Lee Tink Loi , the political secretary to Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan. The highlight of the evening was the cutting of the Sandakan Mandarin Toastmasters Club 10th anniversary cake.
:Khoo reelected as Sandakan MCA division chairman
SANDAKAN: Assistant Minister to Chief Minister cum Sabah MCA chairman Datuk Edward Khoo officiated the MCA Sandakan, Batu Sapi and Libaran divisions joint annual general meeting at a restaurant in Bandar Pasaraya, Mile 4 Jalan Utara, Sandakan on Sunday. The meeting was attended by the respective division chairmen, Youth chiefs and Wanita chiefs and other committees. Datuk Khoo was reelected as the Sandakan division chairman unopposed. Kinabatangan chairman Beh See Hoong was among the attendees along with new Libaran division chairman Chin Kim Hiung, Sandakan deputy division chairman Kok Tsui Yee and Sandakan Youth chief Alex Chang. Elsewhere former Sandakan Youth chief Chew Kok Woh was elected as the new Beluran division chairman while lawyer William Liaw remains as Batu Sapi chairman.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
:SMK Agaseh to have award day
LAHAD DATU: The Excellence Award Presentation of SMK Agaseh is expected to be held on August 7 for the 19th times and the Sabah’s State Education Department Academic Management Sector chief Hajjah Maimunah Haji Suhaibul is expected to grace the event.
A spokerperson for the school said that the award is an event to honor students and teachers who had shown excellence performance in the field of Curriculum and Co-Curriculum.
`It is also as a motivation to all in the school to compete and create excellence for themselves and their school and also to enhance friendship among students, parents and teachers’, he stated.
The motto for the event is `Warga Cemerlang, Agaseh Terbilang’.
isabah Saturday, July 26, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
:Group conduct signature campaign against propsed coal power plant
SANDAKAN: A number of associations and individuals join force in organizing a signature campaign against the setting up of a coal power plant project in the district which they claim the project as jeopardizing environment and harming the health of people in the district.
The campaign was launched at the office of the Sandakan Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC) yesterday where the organizer also make urges to the government to consider using another method to generate power for the district.
Present during the launching were SCCC general secretary Wong Tien Fatt, SCCC chairman Chiang Kwok Kheng and members of the association. Among those who supported and attended the launching were also former state assembly speaker and environmentalist Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hassan Alban Sandukong, chairman for the Bumiputera Chamber of Commerce Sandakan Abang Mohd. Jorgy Haji Juana. Jorgy is also the district Entrepreneurial Development Council deputy chairman.
They were also joined by Environmental Action Committee chairperson Eleanor Wong, Sandakan Indian Association chairman G. Gengadharan Pillai and representative from the Sandakan Pensioners Association and a number of concern members of the public.
The launching of the signature campaign came about when Wong and Sabah Environmental Protection Association chairman Wong Tack walk out from a forum on the proposed coal power plant organized by the Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd.two days ago with members of the SCCC, DAP leaders as well as some members from Non Governmental Organizations (NGO) joining the walk out.
isabah Friday, July 25, 2008
:Keeping stolen items is wrong: Ramli
TAWAU: Members of the public are told to report to the district police should they had suspiciously purchased stolen items as it would be an offence for them not to do so.
Acting district police chief Supt. Haji Ramli Ali Mat said they had successfully arrested a number of individuals believed to be involved in house breaking cases in the district in the past two years and they are now investigating all the house breaking cases recorded.
`Public who purchased suspicious items need to report to us because if we find such items in their possession, they are liable to be charged under Section 411 of the Penal Code which carries a jail term of no less than six months and fine’, he explained.
Ramli also said that they are conducting investigation based on the information obtained from those detained and believe they can solve a number of house breaking cases soon.
In another development, Ramli also urges employers not to take risk should they uses foreign workers without proper documents as the authority is at the brink of organizing a major operation against illegal immigrant in the district. He said that the operation will begin any time soon as the needed manpower from `out of the district are now here’ fro such purpose. At the same time, he also said that illegal immigrant staying in the district to return home peacefully before the operation began as they now could go home with their possessions. `We are not inhuman but we will detain those suspected illegal immigrant during the coming operation without remorse and I have extended our warning’, he stressed.
The advice asking illegal immigrant to return home voluntarily is appropriate as a number of illegal immigrants caught during the last Ops. Nyah II in March 2002 blamed the authorities involved for having a `cold heart’ when executing their duties.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
:Marine police confiscate 340 round logs

It’s chief DSP Husaini Zainal Abidin said that the scow was towed by a tug boat and both were held at the seafront of Sungai Pasir Putih located some 1.5 nautical mile from shore around 3.35 pm. He said that patrolboat PGR 31 made the arrest and the captain of the tug boat aged 46 was detained in the process.
`The captain failed to produce form B, removal pass and log list upon request and this case is now under Forest Enactment Section 30(1). All the logs do not have the confirmation stamps issued by the Forestry Department at both ends.
He also said that the case was handed over to the Forestry department this morning represented by Haji Sakaran Abdul Lajak, the senior ranjer of the department. Jaafar also said that the arrest operation was led by chief inspector Safri Anuar Jamin with four personnel from the Marine.
isabah Thursday, July 24, 2008
:Suspect held after brief car chase
TAWAU: A fast car chase between a suspect and mobile police vehicle (MPV) ended in the arrest of a suspect and the whole event was witnessed by the district police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd Yussof and his senior officers. The whole chase was only a show as they (police drivers and personnel) conduct daring stunts as a show as part of the program during the handling of 11 police vehicles ceremony this morning to the four departments in the force. No one was injured in the stunt but the prowess shown by police drivers are praised.
:More car for quicker police responce time
TAWAU: District police today received a total of 11 Proton Waja in the effort to boost quicker reaction time in reaching crime scenes. District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said that the vehicles are given to the Crime Investigation Department (4), Traffic (3), Narcotic (2) and Commercial Crime department (2) and will be used by Investigation officer and assistant investigation officer.
:Attack suspect surrendered to police
TAWAU: The suspect sought by police yesterday turn up at the district’s police headquarter last night around 6.30 pm with his father and gave himself up while his wife which he attacked sustained a neck injury which require 25 stitches.
District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said the case is being investigated under Section 326 of the Penal Code. The suspect known as Shahrizan Abdul Raja injured his wife in his car at North road.
In another development, Jaafar said that they had detained a couple after a packet of syabu was found inside the Kancil they were traveling along mile 4, Apas road on the evening of July 23.
He said the held the car around 10.20pm but not before the suspect lady managed to throw a package away in which the package was not recovered. `Our personnel saw the lady sitting on the passenger seat next to the driver throw something away when they were held. He added that the case is being investigated under Section 12(2) Dangerous Drug Act. The couple were a 25 year old Bajau man and a 22 year old Suluk lady. Jaafar also said that urine test done on them shows the result of positive on both of them. He said that the duo is now being investigated under Section 15(1)(a) of the same Act.
In another case, a 57 year old businessman lodged a report over the smearing of red paints at the front of his shop located in the vicinity of the district’s community centre.
Jaafar said the man went to the shop at 5.30am on July 23 and saw the red paints staining the front locked shop and the pavement. As the act shows the kind of action taken by loan shark, Jaafar said that they will began investigation on the matter framed under Section 427 of the Penal Code when they obtain the Order To Investigate (OTI) issued by the deputy Public Prosecutor.
He said that the owner denied owning any money to loan shark but admitted that his younger brother had done so and the shop belongs to him. `The complainant said that his brother handed him the ownership of the shop about three months ago and his yhounger brother had left Sabah’, he added.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
:Police seeking public help in catching a suspect
TAWAU: District police is seeking the co-operation from members of the public in searching for a 27 year old suspect who apparently slashed his wife after a heated argument last night.
District Police Chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said that the suspect, Shahrizan Abdul Raja was found missing after he slashed his wife who is an enforcement officer for the district’s Anti Corruption Agency (ACA) yesterday night in the suspect’s car at North road.
The victim aged 25 after was slashed on the neck managed to jump from the vehicle while her husband who work as a part time as a plan designer fled the scene. The victim later hailed a passing vehicle driven by a General Operation Force (GOF) personnel around 8.15pm where she was sent to the district’s hospital and later to lodge the report.
Jaafar said that police managed to trace the vehicle at mile 3 Apas with a flat tire but the suspect could not be traced. He added that they also found a lady’s panty inside the vehicle and believed that the husband might have tried to have sex with her wife. Jaafar also said that the victim is now in a stable condition.
He also said that the couple had stayed apart pending divorce procedure for the past three months.
`We believed that the suspect is mentally unstable and there is an urgency to detain him as soon as possible’, Jaafar said. He urges the public with information on the suspect to go to the nearest police station or contact officer-in-charge of the case Inspector Azmani Abdullah at 017-687-3015.
isabah Wednesday, July 23, 2008
:Increase on TA members show commitment by Sabahan on security: Liew
TAWAU: New recruits in the Territorial Army (TA) has shown an increase in number due to the enthusiasm shown by local Sabahan to join the fold especially in the East Coast of the state and this has also shown the commitment by the locals in helping in the security of the state.
The participation by such members however require more commitment from them as they need to know their obligation in wearing the military uniform and the role they play in ensuring the safety of the state.
Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah in his address to 139 new recruits parade held at the 7th Malay Regiment Army parade ground recently stressed that they should be committed in acquiring skills needed thus they could compliment the existing regular force from any possible conflict which might take place in the future.
`Let me stress that it is not easy to train a civilian into a trained soldier but your commitment in the one month training has made the job easier’, Liew who is also the commanding officer of the 516th Regiment of the East Coast Territorial Army stated to the new recruit comprising of citizens from the district, Lahad Datu and Sandakan.
Liew added that to be a soldier require them to be mentally ready as a soldier, to have vast knowledge on military knowledge, a strong discipline attitude and maintaining a good image. He said that the basic training which only lasted one month but members should at every moment of the training to learn what they can in the art of military tactics and know how.
Also present during the ceremony were Lieutenant Colonel Ajis Sharif, the commanding officer of the 7th Malay Regiment and Major (K) Haji Salsidu Ibrahim.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
:Ops. Nyah II nabbed 195
LAHAD DATU: Operation against illegal immigrant themed Ops. Nyah II Bersepadu Siri 12/2008 held at the vicinity of Air village and the surrounding township since morning today had resulted in the arrest of 195 foreigners after they were found not to have any identification document while others were held due to doubtful identification document.
The operation which began at 5 am until noon today was participated by 98 officers, men and women from the district police force, Federal Special Task Force (FSTF) Sabah and Labuan, Chief Minister’s Department, National Registration Department and RELA screened some 1,000 foreigners in the process from both places.
District police chief Superintendent Kamis Daming said that the operation was led by Chief Inspector Ahmad Jawila, the district’s chief for Public Order and chief Traffic together with ASP Ahmad Hamdi Jamaludin from FSTF.
`We held a total of 107 men and 88 women in the operation and no untoward incidence faced by officers and personnel tasked in the operation in the seven hours stint’, he said when met at the Multi Purpose Hall of the 17th General Operation Force (GOF) base here.
He also urges members of the public to assist police by informing them on the presence of suspected illegal immigrant in their areas as their co-operation is essential in making such operation a success.
isabah Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
:Don't take chance on illegal workers: Au
SANDAKAN: Employers in the state must take the necessary action to legalize their foreign workers and not to take chance as this could lead to more hardship due to the risk practiced by possibly some of them to save cost by bypassing the proper channel.
Elopura State Assemblyman YB Au Kam Wah however said some employers are facing difficult times by engaging foreign workers as there are cases of such workers fleeing their job or simply moved to another work after just months of work. `Under the present system, employers need to pay a foreign workers for a duration of time and foreign workers fleeing their job had brought much losses to employers’, he explained in a press statement.
He said that the current operation against illegal immigrant in the state starting with the West Coast and would gradually venturing into East Coast and employers must not bet on keeping illegal workers and hope for the best.
`I am complimenting the governments’ effort in combating illegal immigrant but failure by employers to engage foreign workers through proper channel will in some way affect their livelihood’, he explained.
Au said that apart from asking employers to follow the proper procedures to engaged foreign workers, he is also asking the government to find ways to assist employers from sustaining such lost. He added that engaging a foreign worker is not only expensive but time consuming and could take months apart from being cumbersome for such legal worker to begin work. However, he urge the government to review the foreign worker’s application procedures by making ways for employers to pay the necessary levy on a monthly basis.
He explained that those involved in getting large number of foreign workers are from the plantation, construction and fishery sectors and their problem in keeping such foreign workers should be noted.
isabah Monday, July 21, 2008
:Sandakan Interschool karate
INTERSCHOOL KARATE: The representative of SJK (C) Syn Hua receiving the 16th Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah Cup interschool Karate competition primary school champion trophy from organizing chairman Lee Chin Hoi (centre) at the Sandakan community centre on Sunday. Results of the top three spots - Primary School: SJK (C ) Syn Hua (4G,2S,6B), SK Jaya Bakti (3G,5S.4B), SJK (C ) Chi Hwa (2G,1S), Secondary School : SM Yu Yuan (3G,1S,5B), SM Sung Siew (3G,1S,4B), SMK Beluran (2G,1S,2B), Open Kumite Individual: Chua Wee Chen, Hoe Mei Na, Nur Syaidah (Ladies), Park Vui Kok, Welfred Asik, joint third Chock Sin Min and Al Wan Ammas (below 60kgs), Hiew Khi Chung, Fong Tze How, joint third Philip Shang and Azmi Malacka (above 60kgs). The two-day competition, which was officiated by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Raymond Tan on Saturday, was jointly organized by Sabah Karate Association Sandakan branch and Sung Siew Secondary School.
:Sport complexes can help steer youth toward good life: Louis
TAWAU: Sport complexes can play a part in nourishing youth into healthy activities through the creation of sports or activities which give great interest to the present youth and the district’s sport complex can perform in such manner. The new director of the Sabah Sport Board Datuk Louis Rampas during his visit to the district to inspect the sport complex here at noon on July 21 said that sports such as futsal, rock climbing, paint ball, BMX, skateboarding can give youth of today a new avenue and steer them away from being involved in bad influences.
`This ideas of having such sports to cater for the need of today’s youth is suggested by Merotai State Assemblyman YB Pang Nyuk Ming and this is a good idea in the interest of the country’, he stated in a press conference after receiving briefing of the complex with his deputy YB Masiung Banah and Pang at the complex’s meeting room.
He added that such sports which bring new challenges are interested by youth of today and the board received well such suggestions as it benefit the country.
In another matter, Louis also said that the district has created a number of promising athletes in the past and the complex can also be used as added facilities for upcoming sport men and sport women.
In the planned second phase development of the complex, Louis said that the complex is a Federal project thus the second phase is under their directive. Louis also toured the whole complex with among others Mahmood Kalong, the general manager of the Sabah Sport Board and his deputy IR. Christopher Lean.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
:Nostalgic Chinese song singing competition
TAWAU: A fun night entertained guests attending the recent concluded first nostalgic Chinese karaoke singing competition held on July 17 at the Golden City Karaoke Lounge. A total of 24 final participants presented their best in the contest. Proprietor Lisa Yong said the event had attracted guests filling the pub to the maximum.
isabah Sunday, July 20, 2008
:Raymond Tan Shu Kiah Karate cup
SANDAKAN: Eleven secondary and nine primary schools from Sandakan, Kinabatangan and Beluran are participating in the two-day 2008 Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah Cup Inter School Karate Tournament which began on Saturday at the community centre here. The tournament jointly organized by the Sabah Karate Association Sandakan branch and Sung Siew Secondary School, was officiated by the Deputy Chief Minister himself. The VIP attendees included Youth and Sports Minister Peter Pang En Yin, Elopura Assemblyman Au Kam Wah, Sabah Karate Association Sandakan branch chairman Datuk John Lim Shau Ket and Sandakan Municipal Council president Yeo Boon Hai.
:Agri sector need to plant basic food: Au
SANDAKAN: Elopura state assemblyman YB Au Kam Wah urges those involved in agriculture sector in the district to gain more knowledge and obtain expertise in planting basic food such as rice and planting it in the effort to curb the shortage of rice.
In a statement issued, Au said this during the swearing-in of office bearers for the district’s Agriculture Association recently adding citing that the hike of petroleum has caused such basic food to be short and had created some worries in many countries. He said they can learn from country such as China as they are now producing rice at a larger tonnage per acre with advanced technology know how. `Many advanced countries are now making alternative fuel from plants and this our agriculture sector can benefit’, he added over the many advances in such technology in developed countries and planters in the country must also follow suit.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
:Chen Clan contribute to China quake victim
TAWAU: Help continue to pour in for victims of the Szechuan earthquake with the latest contribution was made by the Chen Clan Association (CCA) when they donated a sum of RM3,000 for the cause recently.
President of the association Chin Syn Loi said in a simple ceremony during the handling over of the cheque said that it is part of their effort to help those in dire need of help and the contribution was collected during a charity dinner organized by the association’s women team led by Madam Chin Shui Nyuk.
isabah Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
:Only 22 restaurant license holder in the state can charge service tax: Yusop
LAHAD DATU: Only 22 restaurant license holders operating outside of hotel premises and earning over RM3 million are able to charge the service tax of 5 percent in the state.
Director of the Royal Malaysian Custom (RMC) Sabah, Datuk Haji Md. Yusop Haji Mansor they had also identified 314 restaurants operating in the similar method and earning below the RM3 million are not qualified to conduct such charges in the state.
`Those not qualified to conduct the service charge beginning July 1 this year’, he said in a press conference while attending the RMC Lahad Datu Faithful and Friendly event held at the RMC prevention ground today. He said that before the new ruling took place, there were 336 license holders qualified to charge the service tax in Sabah upon approval by RMC. Yusop also said public can lodge their complain should they were charged the customers service tax without the premise displaying the permit.
`Should such premise did not display their permit while at the same time charging customers with the service tax, they are liable to be charged under Section 31 of the Service Tax Act 1975’, he stated.
He also said that Sabah RMC will make a lost of around RM1.5 million from the new ruling based on predicted tax collection for the whole of 2008. Among those present during the event was Lahad Datu RMC chief Norizan Haji Yahya.
isabah Friday, July 18, 2008
:Don't believe promises of quick cash rewards: Jaafar
TAWAU, District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof reiterated that members of the public should be extra careful on promises of easy money or property scams as many irresponsible people are taking advantage to make quick cash and preying on unsuspecting people.
Jaafar said that cases such as the common con group claiming to be illegal but had strike on lottery ticket has been detected around the district. `Please be careful and help us by reporting to us should anyone come across such people’, he added.
He said that the latest case involved yet another method of using Short Message Service (SMS) where a Malay lady aged 25 became the victim. Jaafar added the lady received an SMS informing her that she had won RM30,000 made by Petronas and she was asked to purchase a SIM card for RM100 and provide her account number. The victim received the message on July 17.
`This is a common method but this victim got wise after following the procedure and lodge a report’, he explained.
:JCI held seminar on brain injury awareness
SANDAKAN: The recent concluded `Brain Injury Awareness Seminar’ was part of the Junior Chamber International (JCI) 2008 week program in the effort to bring better awareness among the public over the matter.
Singapore specialist Dr. Lee Kheng Hin gave talks on topics on management of head injuries, modern brain surgery, modern management of body odour and facial blushing. Among those present were past president Bob Chong. The seminar was held at the St. Michael’s church hall.
:Restaurant offer affordable lunch and panoramic view
SANDAKAN: Fancy having your lunch for as low as RM 5 and at the same time get to enjoy the panoramic view of the Sandakan harbour?
If you should decide to give yourself and your friends or family this super treat then head down to Imperial Bay View Restaurant at Sandakan Harbour Square during weekdays to try out its economical lunch promotion.
The other great news is that there is no time frame as restaurant owner Thomas Lau Chi Keong is considering making it a regular feature in the restaurant’s menu to give fellow Sandakanites the opportunity to save money on their lunch.
Lau said local folks can select three out of the eight dishes, a bowl of soup, a glass of soft drink or hot tea with milk and dessert for RM 5 excluding government tax.
“Our menu varies everyday to give our patrons a wider range of dishes to choose. The response has been very good since the launching of the promotion early this month,” Lau said.
Lau said at a time when the prices of practically everything having gone up due to the global fuel price hike, the restaurant’s economical lunch promotion certainly gives patrons value for their money.
A variety of delicious Chinese food is also available through ala carte at reasonable prices. The Imperial Bay View Restaurant which does not serve pork, is the dining experience in Sandakan, Lau said.
:Puteri Umno Information Chief visits Sandakan Senior Citizens Daycare Centre
SANDAKAN: Puteri UMNO Information Chief Dato Shahanizah Samsuddin visited the Sandakan Senior Citizens Daycare Centre in Sibuga during her trip to the district.
She was accompanied by Sandakan Puteri UMNO chief Noraini Sulong, Assistant Director of the Sandakan Welfare Department Dominic Chong and officer-in-charge of the Sandakan Senior Citizens Home Tunick Tulas. Dato Shahanizah who is also Sentul State Assemblywoman, presented a washing machine to the Sandakan Senior Citizens Daycare Centre in conjunction with her visit to there. Chairman Poon Kee Yang was on hand to receive it from the VIP guest.
Dato Shahanizah (sixth from left) also joined Poon (centre) and others in the cutting of the cake to celebrate the birthday of 40 members born in the month of July.
:Fun day learning at F & R for Buddhist team
SANDAKAN: Participants numbering 50 adults and children from the Sandakan (Sabah) Buddhist Mission made an exciting educational trip to the Fire and Rescue Department where they were given the opportunity to learn many things pertaining to the department’s operation.
Among the exposure given to them were the organization structure and operation, safety procedures and managing equipment used by the department such as the proper usage of fire extinguisher held at the station located at mile 3 North road.
:Sandakan agri expo set Aug 2
SANDAKAN: The Expo Agrotech 2008 exhibition will take place at the Padang Bandaran beginning August 2 and members of the public are invited to attend the two days event.
The event would be a venue for agro suppliers and producers to present their goods to the general public at large. The event is organized by the Agriculture Department together with the Sandakan Municipal Council with the theme `Toward a Productive and Commercial Agriculture Industry’ and several private and government agencies will take part in the event.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
:Government effort to help consumers: Nasrun
LAHAD DATU, Government’s effort in assisting consumers will not gain any benefit if no serious awareness can be created among users as such situation will become difficult and co-operation from leaders of every level can make a difference by channeling the proper information to help create such awareness and could be accepted by the general public with a positive attitude.
Assistance Minister to the Chief Minister Datuk Haji Datu Nasrun Haji Datu Mansur said that participants in the recent Consumer’s Seminar program held recently could channel what they had learned to the public.
He said this when launching the program organized by the Ministry of Trade and Consumers’ Affair held at a hotel here.
`Such program is important as it could enhance the awareness of consumers and protect them through educating them on wise spending’, he added. At the same time he also said that such program will also give an opportunity to consumers to get better acquainted with the Ministry and indirectly this will further ensure that they (consumers) can obtain information on how to protect their rights.
He also said that such program will also ensure that consumers will be wiser and prevent themselves from being cheated by opportunist attempting to gain from consumers.
The seminar also touched on Malaysia Consumers’ Claim Tribunal (MCCT) and the role and how it could assist consumers.
Also present during the launching was the district officer Amat Mohd. Yusof, district Ministry chief Sulaiman Derahim. Participating in the seminar were consumers, members of Village Development and Safety Committee and government’s service sector staffs.
isabah Wednesday, July 16, 2008
:Beauty workshop by SCWA
SANDAKAN: More than 20 participants attended the beauty care workshop organized by the Sandakan Chinese Women Association at its office in Taman Indah Jaya. The programme was officiated by Chiang Fung Nyuk, the wife of Elopura State Assemblyman Au Kam Wah. The workshop which was conducted by advisers from a beauty care centre in town, gave the participants tips on taking care of their skin, the use of cosmetics and living with confidence in the 21st century.
:JCI a platform for young leaders: Pang
SANDAKAN: State Youth and Sports Minister Peter Pang En Yin said Junior Chamber International (JCI) activities served as platforms for young leaders and entrepreneurs to enhance their personal skills
“They are being exposed to the various aspects of leadership development, broaden friendship and business network through JCI activities,” Pang said in his speech recently when opening the JCI Sandakan Week at a resort here.
Pang who is also Karamunting Assemblyman, said he would continue to give his support to JCI to enable it to achieve greater heights, adding that the JCI programmes had helped members to enhance and equip their personal skills to best meet the challenges ahead. The Youth and Sports Minister was represented by political secretary Jason Tan at the function.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
:Police looking for suspect over scam worth RM111,000
TAWAU, Police is currently looking for a man who believed to have swindled some RM111,000 from a firm and they suspect the man had fled the country.
District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said that the suspect who identified himself as Ah Fook contacted two diesel suppliers in the district and claiming to represent the firm in ordering some 36,000 liter of diesel in total and representative from the supplier delivered the diesel ordered on July 9.
Jaafar said the representatives went to the firm two days after delivery to collect the amount when the firm’s staff told them a man named Lim Kok Vun had collected the money on their behalf. Both suppliers lodged their report and police is currently investigating this case considered a commercial crime.
Jaafar said they believed both Ah Fook and Lim Kok Vun were the same person.
He said that the suspect ordered 12,000 liter of diesel from one of the supplier and ordered another batch of 24,000 liter from the other.
In another development, police is looking for a Bugis man aged 26 after an underage girl was found staying in his house at mile 5 Apas road. Jaafar said the girl’s parent lodged their report after their 15 year old daughter failed to return home for three days since July 10. He said police finally located the girl alone in the house. As the girl is underage, police is looking at this case as a rape case despite believing that the girl and the man are lovers. Jaafar also said that police had now a total of three rape cases within this month in which all involves underage girls.
In yet another case, police is classifying the death of 64 year old Shang Kui Yion as sudden death but is still waiting for the post mortem report.
Jaafar said that Shang who has a history of mental illness went to their cocoa orchard with her husband at mile 5, Apas road on July 14 but got separated and her husband after failing to locate her at around 5.00pm lodged a police report. He said a police team with the assistance of the dog unit finally located her lying face down in an area within the boundary of a rubber estate belonging to a neighbour.
`The deceased was found with a injured nose and we believe that no foul play took place but final conclusion could only be made after the post mortem report is completed’, he added.
isabah Tuesday, July 15, 2008
:Safety of TMC president home in question over poor fencing
TAWAU, A number of incidents had raised questions on the ability of the fences surrounding the house of the local township administrator in term of providing security for occupants within the compound.
A representative working for the president of the Tawau Municipal Council (TMC) Haji Salsidu Ibrahim said that the latest incident took place where he believed a number of stray dogs entered into the compound and killed two adult goats. `I believe stray dogs did it and they should be a large number and big sized as these two goats were big but they managed to kill them as they were tied to a tree within the compound and dragged their carcasses away’, the man explained over the incident which took place on July 7, 2008.
The man who wishes not to have his name publish added that they fear for the safety of Salsidu and his family as they could not patrol the whole area with the manpower at hand while there had been cases of intruder entering into the compound through the inadequate fencing which had been built over ten years ago. He also said that the fence now has holes in them and many part of it are now deemed not suitable to serve it’s intended purpose and an immediate steps must be taken to build new fence around the compound.
`The president received a number of high level representatives and such fence will not give a good impression over our government effort to protect local administrator’, he added.
:GOF Sandakan took cup for the third time
SANDAKAN, District 15th battalion of the General Operations Force (GOF) took home the 12th Sabah GOF Brigade Commander football Cup held Monday after defeating 16th battalion of GOF in the final with the score of 2-1.
The champion took hold of the cup for three consecutive years. Among those celebrating the victory with the team members was the commanding officer Supt. Lee Moh Lee. The final match was held at the football field of the 16th battalion at Kota Kinabalu.
Monday, July 14, 2008
:Speedy action led to arrest over theft case
TAWAU, District police succeeded in apprehending a number of people and confiscated two vehicles believed involved in the theft of palm oil fruits from an estate at mile 16, Apas road on July 11, 2008.
District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said the report was made by a man on the same day when he noticed missing fruits from his estate and based on the information obtained as well as immediate action, police held a Proton Arena at the same area near a Muslim cemetery and found a number of the fruits inside the pickup and detained a man aged 65.
He also said that they had also held a one ton lorry also within the area and confiscated a large number of the fruits and the arrest of 4 men aged between 28 to 39. Jaafar added that the case is being investigated under Section 379 of the Penal Code.
In another development, police brought in a man to assist in a rape case of a 12 year old girl at a palm oil estate at Kalabakan. He said the victim was alone then and an unknown man grabbed her and took her to the estate and raped her around 6.00pm on July 11.
Public assistance in apprehending a snatcher was complimented by Jaafar when they held a man who snatched the necklace of a 29 Malay lady on July 12 at the vicinity of Dunlop street. He said that the lady’s gold necklace was snatched around 10.00am and a group of people chased the suspect leading to the capture and the recovery of the necklace where the suspect was later handed over to police. He said that the suspect is a local Bajau man aged 24.
isabah Monday, July 14, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
:TA interact with general public
TAWAU, The 516th Regiment of the Territorial Army (TA) will continue to conduct exercises to boost their readiness to serve the country while at the same time having such training at places where they can interact with the general public.
Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah who is the commanding officer of the regiment said that the two matters are important as it would help members of the TA to be capable while exposing their activities to the general public and this can help encourage more Sabahan to join their fold. Liew was at the San Shui’s National Service camp (NS) to see over 100 new recruit of TA taking part in the flying fox exercise held yesterday afternoon. He said such interaction would permit youth of today to see for themselves the purpose and duties of these Weekend Warriors.
`We are always looking for Sabahan to join our fold so that we could continue to assist and support our regular army at any time’, he explained.
He also said that Sabahan joining them has the advantage as they know the geographic scenario of Sabah and this added knowledge will ensure that they can help protect the country more effectively when needed. Over 130 new recruit took part in the training of the flying fox.
Liew at the same time also took time off to chat with youngsters participating in the NS program there.
isabah Saturday, July 12, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
:East Coast Sabah to have more radar stations: Allatif
TAWAU, The East Coast of Sabah will obtain a total of between 8 to 9 radar stations to combat criminal cases at sea and the possible entry of militants as well as to ensure that kidnapping cases as the one which happened at Sipadan and Pandanan islands would not re-occur.
Joint Military Panglima Lieutenant General Dato’ Allatif Mohd. Noor said that the first such radar would be build after October this year and the subsequent radars will compliment the existing radar and surveillance from the air, land and sea.
Allatif said this during the ground breaking ceremony of the East Coast Sabah buildings for the Joint Military Force 2(JMF2) based at Kukusan army camp here yesterday morning.
`We have the technology to conduct day and night surveillance from our Air Force using Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) with the additional radars would further enhance our surveillance work’, he said this in a press conference held after the ceremony.
He added that Tawau was chosen to house the headquarter of the JMF2 establishment because of its geostrategic location and an area at Tinagat had been identified to have one of the radar to be build. Allatif also said that they had contacted the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) on better co-ordinate the `Reaction Force’ as part of the effort to ensure a strong presence of the security forces in the area while at the same time had made request for more patrol boats for their surveillance work.
Ealier in his opening speech, Allatif said Joint Military Headquarter (JMH) was set up in 2006 to take over control of duties conducted during the `Sand Ops.’ which was before being handled by the 5th Brigade headquarter after kidnapping cases took place at Sipadan and Pandanan islands in April 2000 where 21 tourists and resort staffs were sped away from Sipadan and another 3 more from Pandanan at a later stage.
`This operation is being set up at a Ac Hoc basis but plans were made to ensure a smooth running of all operations as then JMF2 then had only 17 officers and other ranks but now had swelled to 36 with permanent status’, he explained.
He added that this shows the commitment of the government in the construction of JMF2 buildings costing RM4.9 million and upon completion the headquarter will be able to obtain real time information.
Allatif said that the peace and strong security felt is due to the existing military bases such as KD Sri Semporna, KD Sri Wangsa, Azumi and Dogoton base at Banggi island as well as other military bases while at the same time providing work for many locals.
`Nerarly 85 percent of the manpower from the Boat Assault Company are made up of local people’, he explained.
He also said that the strong security presence from the army and complimented by other security forces had brought a strong economy citing that the tourist influx had risen from 2.4 million in 2007 as compared to only 1.2 million in 2002.
At the same time, Allatif also congratulate commander of the 516th Territorial Army Brigadier General Datuk Liew Yun Fah for his zeal in recruiting locals into the fold resulting in many of them filling the vacant posts at the regular army establishment.
Allatif also hand over three All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) to JMF2 to compliment the existing equipment of the group. Also present during the ceremony was Brigadier General Sheikh Mokhsin Sheikh Hassan, the commanding officer of the JMH.
isabah Thursday, July 10, 2008
: Police seeking Indonesian counterpart help in murder case
TAWAU, The Royal Malaysian Police is currently seeking the assistance of their Indonesian counterpart in the effort to trace a suspect involved in the murder of a Malaysian at Dukawan estate yesterday.
District police chief ACP Jaafar Mohd. Yussof said that the suspect known as Lias Darise aged 40 was believed to have crossed the border after committing the murder of the late Mansor Ambo, 44, at a kongsi located in the estate at Wallace Bay, Sebatik island.
`Based on eyewitnesses report, the suspect had fled toward the border some 300 meters from the crime scene where he slashed the victim with a curved knife used in cock fighting which is shaped like a sickle’, he explained.
He added the victim who worked as a captain of a palm oil ferry came to the kongsi and met the suspect where an argument took place over matter pertaining to the wife of the suspect and the attack took place soon after which took place around 8.00 am.
`When we got there, the victim was covered in blood with sixteen slashed wounds at the front and back’, he cited.
In another case, police arrested two suspects and recovered all the items believed stolen from a house at Scenery housing estate at Kuhara road after the houseowner, a 22 year old Malay lady made the report citing that she had identified the car used in the break-in. Jaafar said that the victim’s house was broken into yesterday and her information led to the detection of the Kancil vehicle at a market at Sin Onn around 4.30pm on the same day.
He said police laid out an ambush and managed to detain two men aged 27 and 22 and recovered the items stolen from the house which comprised of five handphones and MP4 worth around RM5,000. The case is being investigated under Section 457.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
:Lady fall prey to money scam
TAWAU, Members of the public is asked not to fall into scams which promises money as there is yet another case recorded by the district police of a lady victim who parted with at least RM4,680 over claim that she had won RM156,000 in a Hong Kong game shown shown at Astro.
Acting district police chief Supt. Haji Ramli Ali Mat said that the victim in her early twenties lodged a police report yesterday that she had bank-in money into two separate accounts as required by the so called organizer of the event.
Ramli said that the scam began when the lady was called through her house telephone by unidentified lady claiming that she had won the amount after a draw on June 30 was made through the show where her Astro number was picked.
`The caller identified herself as employee of a firm called Farmosa based in Hong Kong and stated that the victim had won simply by watching the show and her Astro number came was drawn’, he explained.
Believing in the scam, the victim was told to deposit RM4,680 into an account in a bank here but was again asked to bank-in another undisclosed amount at another bank days later in which the victim complied.
He said that the victim was told that the second deposit was made to pay tax to the Hong Kong government for the amount she would be receiving.
Ramli said that the victim was told to wait for a few days but no call came forth and the report was made.
In another development, a young lady fought off a suspect handbag snatcher yesterday by biting the suspect in the arm and members of the public caught the suspect after a brief chase.
Ramli said that the lady came down from a bus yesterday and was walking at mile 5 Apas road when suddenly the suspect came from the front and snatched her purse around 6.30 pm. The victim put up a fight and later bid the suspect in one arm forcing the suspect to let go of the purse and fled.
`The victim scream for help and members of the public gave chase and the suspect was apprehended around 100 meters from the crime scene.
In yet another case, a lady in her early forties lost her handbag due to negligence after she placed the bag on the floor of her shop at Billian road around 3.30pm and found it missing moment later. Ramli said that the victim claimed two men unknown to her entered her shop and one began making enquiries over the goods on sales while another sat at a chair within the shop and the bag containing identification cards, handphone Nokia 6500 and bank cards , driving license and a necklace worth a total of around RM6,500 went missing after the duo left the shop.
isabah Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
:STIA charity golf netted RM60K
TAWAU, The effort by the Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA) in organizing the STIA charity Golf Tournament 2008 is in part of the caring attitude by the association for the less fortunate people in line with the government’s effort to build a caring society.
Chairman of the association Chua Yeong Perng in his closing speech said that this is also to enlighten people to share their love to everyone.
`I wish the best to all generous contributors and players at the tournament as now we had collected the RM60,000 needed to help them’, he stated over the amount to be distributed to Society of the Deaf, the Special Olympic Sabah and the Sri Stella special children’s home.
A total of 77 players took part in the one day event held at the Tawau Golf Club’s Hot Spring golf club where the event was earlier launched and supported by the Minister of Youth and Sport of Sabah YB Peter Pang En Yin.
The nett event was won by Lee Li Kiong.
The tournament was held after around 11 years of absent but it would again be held as an annual event by STIA. The last such tournament held netted a sum of RM50,000 under past chairman of the association, Lim Piak Chu, where the amount was used to build a dining hall for the district’s senior citizens’ home at Hot Spring.
Players at the charity tournament generated RM10,050 while the most generous contributor donated RM10,000 for the cause.
isabah Sunday, July 6, 2008
:STIA charity golf a noble effort: Pang
TAWAU, The charitable attitude of Malaysian in helping those less fortunate is highly admired as this shows the caring society of the people for doing charity work and asking nothing in return.
Minister of Youth and Sport Sabah YB Peter Pang En Yin said that many organization had conducted charity in the effort to help those in need in the country and this has brought a better standard of living to them. Pang when launching the Sabah Timber Industries Association (STIA) charity golf tournament 2008 yesterday at the Tawau Golf Club Hot Spring cited that the effort by the association is highly appreciated.
`STIA has been a motivating force in the state’s timber industry and this social obligation is fully endorsed by me’, Pang cited. He urge the association to continue its effort to bring cheers to those in need as they had done many times before and this effort should also be emulated by others.
Ealier, Raymond Chiew, the assistant chairman of the association stated in his speech that the event is aim at collecting fund for Special Olympic, Society of Deaf and Sri Stella special children.
`This effort is in line with the country’s policy of helping those in need’, he stated.
A total of 78 players had registered for the tournament scheduled to be held on July 6.
Friday, July 4, 2008
:Do accurate news, not sensational news: Tawfiq
TAWAU, The development of alternative media in the internet is gaining more readers and as such news presented through this mean need to be accurate instead of merely making sensational news without considering the true value of the event reported.
`In my opinion, what can be seen today of a number of sensational news seen through the internet could not be fully verified on source and at times some of this sensational news created hardships and at other times gave birth to comments which plays on racial issues’ Assistant Minister of Finance Sabah Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan said in an interview recently.
He stated on the importance of such media operators to present news which could help the country by enhancing unity among the many races in the state and country. Tawfiq said the state giving support in the political stability of the country and such unity is important as Sabah has many races and religious belief.
He also said that the Sabah society is in a `fragile’ state but they had managed to unite the various races and this unity must continue to be protected as it would be hard to unite the society should the people are divided through such means. Tawfiq also congratulate the setting up of by a group of people citing that this group of capable members would continue to promote accurate and credible news to readers around the world due to their experienced in the field of journalism.
`I believe i-sabah launched on July 1 will give readers another alternative in news presentation through the internet and able to censor issues to ensure that news are presented fairly’, he added.
Media launched with the attention of giving readers another alternative of news in the state while promoting tourism through articles for readers from around the world.
isabah Friday, July 4, 2008
:Shell Timur give cheers to senior citizens
TAWAU: Some 30 individuals comprising of members of the Shell Timur Sdn. Bhd., family members and contractors took part in a community service project held at the district’s senior citizen’s Home at Hot Spring last Sunday.
Leading the team was district terminal manager Jamir Mahmood with participation including Eddie Abdullah, the Advisor, Social Investment Sabah and Labuan for Shell Malaysia Corporate Affairs and Dr. Edmond Fernandez, health and medical advisor known as MUHA.
Jamir said the activity is part of their community service to bring a difference to those who are in need. The one day event also saw the team conducting a health talk by Dr. Edmond where topic regarding on how senior citizens need to face old age symptoms and beautification work at the Home apart from handling out of hampers to the 37 residents residing there.
The officer of the home, Tawfiq Leong said Shell apart from conducting such activity will also initiate the opening of a Shell corner at the home’s hall where residents there can obtain reading materials.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
:warehouse lost some 100 boxes of detergent to theft
TAWAU, District police is currently looking to solve the case of a break-in at a warehouse located at Damai road stored with goods but missing only around 100 boxes of detergents worth between RM3,000 to RM4,000.
Acting district police chief Supt. Haji Ramli Ali Mat said that they received report on the lost of the detergents from a Chinese man aged in his sixties. The man claimed that he went to the warehouse yesterday around 8.00 am and found a window pane broken and subsequent check revealed the lost of the detergents.
The warehouse was left unattended for some time prior to the inspection made by the owner who detected the theft.
isabah Thursday, July 3, 2008
:Police Marine confiscate 9,550 liter diesel
TAWAU, District police Marine based on information received intercepted three vehicles attempting to smuggle suspected subsidized diesel into another country and the recovery of more than 9,550 liter one Isuzu Trooper, a Hilux and a tanker.
It’s chief DSP Husaini Zainal Abidin said that they went to Brantian road located some 800 meters from the Sibuku river on July 2, 2008 around 1.00pm after the obtaining the information and held the three vehicles and two drivers apart from confiscation of a pump and a number of hoses.
`The value of confiscation were estimated to worth around RM200,000 where the diesel constitute around RM25,594 of the total sum’, Husaini explained.
The raid was conducted by an officer and seven personnel as the three vehicles attempted to cross the river to reach the neigbouring country. He also said that they had confiscated some 33,650 liters of diesel this year worth around RM63,190.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
:Golden oldies KOK competition at Golden City
TAWAU, The Golden City Karaoke Lounge will began its first heat karaoke singing competition of golden Chinese songs on July 3 beginning 7.30pm where over thirty contestants are set to compete.
The organizing spokeperson said that participants numbering 23 men and 14 ladies will compete at the heat and only 12 men and 12 women would be selected to compete in the final set on July 10. She said that participants need to be at the lounge at 1.30pm to draw lot prior to the beginning of the heat.
Members of the public keen on golden Chinese songs can come and witness the event which is expected to give listeners a nostalgic moment by capable singers.
isabah Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Welcome to i-Sabah! Today we began the first day official publication presenting news around Sabah for you. Our concept is simple, we provide news of interest to the general public and the world on Sabah through news, articles and pictures as this are our agents of promoting the Land Below the Wind. We will provide visitors more features in the near future such as tourism and other articles associate with visiting the state. We hope that visitors would continue to stay with us in our quest to promote this wonderful land. Thank You.
isabah Tuesday, July 1, 2008